Thursday, April 21, 2011

N53SV: Blu Ray Drive + Blank DVD issue

Hey all

I've just been backing up a load of data onto DVD's and an issue has come up where my Blu Ray drive on the ASUS N53SV can no longer "read" them as being blank dvd's.

The discs I burnt earlier can still be read with the data on them, but blank DVD's just give me an error message about them not being formatted

I've tried with about 8 DVD's to make sure, of which there are 3 different brands - Verbatim DVD +R's, Memorex -R's and some crappy Smartbuy DVD-R's.

I've googled a bit but couldn't find any posts mentioning this....

I'm wondering whether the drive is dead due to the whole Sandy Bridge thing but then again it can still read discs with data on it so I'm confused

Any ideas?

Thanks very much for your help in advance!

Reply 1 : N53SV: Blu Ray Drive + Blank DVD issue

You can check to see if you N53SV is affected:

If not then it could be just a bad drive.

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